About our archive

Our archives hold records relating to the work, schools, and communities of the Society, primarily in England and Wales, also from earlier periods of the Society in other Provinces, including Ireland, Scotland, Malta, Uganda, Kenya, the US and Australia. 

The collections include:

  • papers relating to the administration of the England/Wales Province by the Provincial team as well as personal papers and correspondence of deceased members of the Province, including Superiors Provincial and General.
  • records of Society communities, of Province works, and material relating to the overseas work of the Province.
  • records of students, staff, and governance of current and historic Society primary and secondary schools in Roehampton, Hammersmith, Tunbridge Wells, Brighton, and Fenham (Newcastle), and tertiary teacher training colleges at Roehampton and Fenham.
  • a collection of books and journals including biographies of several sisters, as well as those works defined as being important for the post-Reformation history of Catholicism in Britain and/or the history and spirituality of the Society.

The archives are part of the Network of Archives & Libraries of the Catholic Church (NALCC) and as the material is catalogued it will be made available online through the Catholic Heritage project.

Explore our archive

The archives are private and access to them is at the discretion of the archivist. The opening hours are Monday to Wednesday 10.30 – 16.30 by prior appointment only. Researchers are asked to apply in writing to visit the archives, providing details of their research topic.

Staff are unable to undertake detailed research on behalf of enquirers other than in exceptional circumstances, in which case a fee will apply. Limited research enquiries can be carried out free of charge.

Introducing our Archivist - Sheila

Our Provincial Archivist is Sheila Mercieca. Sheila is a professional archivist, and records
manager with a Master’s degree in Archives and Information Records Management from
University College London, is an alumni of the University of Roehampton with an
undergraduate degree in English Literature.

With a wide range of experience working in science archives, religious archives, and in
information records management, Sheila is enthusiastic about all areas of her work. She
has strong interests in oral history, and in the design of interactive archive exhibitions.

Her hours at Barat House are Monday to Wednesday, 10.30 – 4.30.
You can reach Sheila at smercieca@societysacredheart.org

How to visit or contact us

To arrange a visit or to make an enquiry, please contact the Society of the Sacred Heart Provincial Archives.

Opening hours

Monday to Wednesday, 10.30-16.30 by prior appointment only.

Contact us


020 8876 9880

Barat House,
University of Roehampton, 
SW15 5PU


Mabel Digby

Janet Erskine Stuart, 1882

HM at Malta, 1954

Digby Stuart College Domestic Science, 1947

1959, arriving in Bangalore

St Julian's Malta, 1935